Accelerated Reader

École Héritage has launched its Accelerated Reader Program.

How does accelerated reader work?

Star Reading Tests

Each student takes a short computer- adaptive test to establish reading ability. The results identify individual book level reading ranges (ZPDs) which support teacher judgements on guiding pupils to Accelerated Reader books.


A range of books recommended for pupils – their “Zone” or ZPD code is given to each pupil. Ideally they should begin choosing books at the beginning of their range and work their way up.

Our stock of reading books in the Library have been assessed and labelled with Accelerated Reader colour codes: Green = 0.0-1.9. Orange= 2.0 -2.9. Blue= 3.0-3.9. Yellow=4.0-4.9. Red=5.0-5.9. Black= 6.0 +

Book Level and Interest Level and Points

An estimate of the reading difficulty of the text is expressed as a Book Level. (The book Level is based on average sentence length, average word length, vocabulary difficulty and frequency of words). Each book is worth points according to difficulty.

Interest Level indicates a book which is for younger, middle or higher age groups.

Teachers guide students to select books within their ZPD range and according to their interests.


Once a book has been read, pupils take comprehension-based quizzes in school. (It is recommended that they take a quiz no longer than 48 hours after finishing a book).Teachers monitor quiz results and adjust ZPDs as necessary. 85% and above average score on quizzes indicates good comprehension and will lead to greater progress in reading. There are Reading, Vocabulary and Literacy Skills quizzes available on most books. A report is prepared after each quiz to show progress towards targets and any certificates earned.

AR Book finder

Accelerated Reader Book finder allows you to search for books included on the system so that books from home can be used. You can also create a wish list for future reading.

Questions? Consult the Parent’s Guide to Accelerated Reader or contact our school librarian Mme Geneviève Nicolet.